
Taking care of the Heaven’s artefacts

Lundy’s Assistant Churchwarden is island resident Shelley Sherman. Before the restoration project started, Shelley looked after the church on a daily basis and she was married there in October 2016. She works for the Landmark Trust and is the friendly face that welcomes visitors to Lundy is the Marisco Tavern’s reception.

Shelley has been looking after the magnificent eagle lectern and other objects from the church including the collection plates. All are made of oak and had become really faded during their time in the church so whilst the building’s restoration project is underway Shelley is taking care of the items and here she tells us about the work she has been doing.

When emptying the church the 6’ eagle lectern found its way, travelling in a trailer behind a quad bike, to my home, along with other wooden objects. Being rather large I began working on it immediately. The first thing to do was a thorough clean involving a soft cloth and a toothbrush, that was when I realized it would not be a quick job, feathers, eyes and scroll work at the base took the most time.

Next I started at the top and using another toothbrush dipped in olive oil slowly worked my way across the feathers, beak and down the neck. Smoother areas like the vertical part of the stand were quicker as I used my hands to apply the oil. After twelve hours spread over two weeks the lectern was moved out and is now living in the office, until the church is completed, glowing with health! Our lounge seemed strangely empty now!