We are really pleased to announce that we have been awarded a grant of £20,000 by the National Churches Trust! The grant is specifically for the urgent roof repairs, and structural repairs to the walls and tower.
The restoration of the church will ensure many future uses for the the building beyond worship, including housing exhibition boards which provide information to the many visitors on various aspects of the island’s history and ecology, and using it as a venue for teaching and talks for visiting school groups and researchers. St Helen’s will become a much needed base for study to give a fuller understanding of broader environmental and conservation issues at the heart of Lundy’s existence.
Revd Brenda Jacobs, Rector of Lundy, said:
“We are very grateful for the support of the National Churches Trust and their grant of £20,000. They have caught our vision for St Helen’s which will remain as the centre of worship on the island but will also provide a place of sanctuary, study and refreshment to all who visit Lundy. We look forward to the reopening of the church and welcoming visitors once more.”
There are further details about the grant on the National Churches Trust website: http://www.nationalchurchestrust.org/places-we-helped/st-helen-11